Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Psychology at the University of Jordan?

So I've always wanted to study Law at a University in England. But with the personal circumstances I unfortunately am unable to fulfill that dream that dream. However, on a good note I have another passion that I would love to pursue. Psychology, I have always been known for being a good listener and an excellent advice giver. Nothing makes me happier when people come to me with their problems and ask me for my advice and opinion.

Having been through a lot myself I've been to many therapists and councilors and decided that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Studying in Jordan has it's pros and cons:

- I'll continue to live with my mom and brothers which means I don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry and homesickness. When I get homesickness it's really bad and it could last up to two weeks so having to continue living with my family will hopefully prevent that.

- That will also give me a chance to re-do my bedroom since I will be in it for a while longer.

- I'll have a car which means it'll allow me to memorize all the Jordanian roads and places. If I study aboard for 4 years and come back I won't even remember the language!

- The people I'll meet at that University I'll know for the rest of my life probably.

- I won't have that experience of living aboard.

- I won't learn to multi-task school, work and house work.

All in all, I'm pretty content with what I want to do in my life. I plan to earn a Master's Degree in Psychology at the University of Jordan. Once I finish my bachelor's degree I really want to work at a school where I can help students with their problems because in all honesty people at school all have problems that need to be dealt with and not ignored.

I know so many people in my grade who tell me they have problems and have no one to speak to and they don't know how amazing the councilor at my school is and how much she could help them because people who need to talk to therapists or councilors are titled "crazy".

There is no wrong with  seeing a professional who can help you deal with your personal and mental problems.I want to help as many people as I can and hopefully in the future open up my own therapy office.

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