Saturday, November 5, 2011

An Update :)

So I haven't blogged in 3 days which is so not like me because I put up a blog every day but I just ran out of topics.
But I'm blogging today to update on what's been going on since Thursday and it's now Saturday :)

I went to the Halloween Party my school was hosting and got a ton of compliments on how scary I looked which I loved even though my lips kept melting off and I had to keep touching them up. This was the first time since I came to the school that so many people showed up to a school danced and actually  bothered to dress up. It was awesome. The decorations for the Halloween dance venue where very creative although I wish that they had more lights while we where dancing because it was completely dark. The DJ did an amazing job, too. The food however was cafeteria food which wasn't THAT bad since they got the two favorite sellers only. I had a great night and some of my friends from different school got to come and I got to see them again and hang out with them and catch up which was great.

Friday I woke up super late because I stayed up really late the night before and when I got up my family and I wanted to go out and eat at a mall but we could NOT find a parking space at all and the malls were super crowded so we ended up going to Pizza Hut which I haven't eaten at Pizza Hut since December 24th, 2010 which is almost a year. I'm not a big fan of Pizza Hut I'm more into Papa Jones or Dominoes but I got a margarita with extra thin crust, garlic bread and wedgies which tasted really good. Then after that I came home, showered and then studied Math C1 Chapter 1 and solved every single odd question in the chapter because I'm going to be finishing everything we took during this one week break because I have externals coming up this January and I want to do really well.

I woke up and caught up on some of the shows I've missed during the week and had dinner and then later I'm going to go out with my mom and buy my contacts because I had the monthly ones and those ran out and I need new ones so I'm just going to get the daily ones because I heard they're better than the monthly ones, so yeah. Then when I come home I'll study Math C1 Chapter 2, watch my show then sleep. Not that interesting but that's what I'll be doing :)

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