Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Closet Full of Nothing...

You think that a girly girl could find something to wear to any occasion. Not me. It takes me up to two hours to get ready to go to the movies with just a group of girlfriends. I studied my closet carefully to find a way to fix this on going problem I have and I finally discovered what it was. If you look at the picture bellow you will notice that almost every single shirt I own is a fancy shirt. I wear it a couple of times and I'm not able to spice it up any further, I get sick of wearing it and go into a deep depression because "I have nothing to wear".

I discovered that the best way to shop is simple and basic. Simple solid colored shirts in short and long sleeved and tank tops are defiantly the way to go. I figured that if I get solid colored shirts in every color both long and short sleeved I could wear it with any a simple pair of jeans and ACCESSORIZE the outfit using a scarves, vest, jewelry or even a cute belt. Now that I know what I'm doing wrong with my shopping I would defiantly prioritize what I need to buy in order to have a killer outfit on standby any day.

For the next time I decide to go shopping I decided to make a list of things I absolutely NEED so she won't hear the phrase "I have nothing to wear" again:

- Long sleeved shirts (Black, Green, Blue and Brown)
- Short sleeved shirts (White, Green, Blue, Black and Brown)
- Jeans (light wash, medium wash and dark wash)
- White pants
- Scarfs (Purple, Pink, White, Green and Blue)
- Leggings (brown and grey)

I feel like if I have the things I've listed above I can create a new outfit so easily and so quickly. For example: A black long sleeved shirt with a pair of medium wash jeans and a purple scarf would create the perfect casual outfit.

My Birthday can't come any sooner

I have a big passion for making videos, editing videos and make up. But I don't have a camera! I recently launched a YouTube channel where I plan to  film: Make Up Tutorials, Hair Tutorials, Hauls, Fashion Videos, Outfits Of The Day (OOTD), Tags and Vlogs.

I'm supposed to be getting a camera for my Birthday that will allow me to do those things, but I want to be able to do them now! I feel like waiting 24 days from now is going to be such a drag even though when my Birthday does come I'm going to think that it came quickly.

So bellow are a list of video ideas I have planned out: 
1- My Foundation Routine for Oily Skin
2- A Simple Neutral Eye Make Up Tutorial
3- Tropical Blue Eyes Make Up Tutorial
4- Christmas Inspired Make Up Tutorial
5- Christmas Outfit Ideas
6- Christmas Holiday Gift Suggestions
7- Christmas Tag Edition 1
8- Christmas Tag Edition 2
9- Christmas Tag Edition 3 (if it exists this year)
10- My Secret to Long Thick Curled lashes

Psychology at the University of Jordan?

So I've always wanted to study Law at a University in England. But with the personal circumstances I unfortunately am unable to fulfill that dream that dream. However, on a good note I have another passion that I would love to pursue. Psychology, I have always been known for being a good listener and an excellent advice giver. Nothing makes me happier when people come to me with their problems and ask me for my advice and opinion.

Having been through a lot myself I've been to many therapists and councilors and decided that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Studying in Jordan has it's pros and cons:

- I'll continue to live with my mom and brothers which means I don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry and homesickness. When I get homesickness it's really bad and it could last up to two weeks so having to continue living with my family will hopefully prevent that.

- That will also give me a chance to re-do my bedroom since I will be in it for a while longer.

- I'll have a car which means it'll allow me to memorize all the Jordanian roads and places. If I study aboard for 4 years and come back I won't even remember the language!

- The people I'll meet at that University I'll know for the rest of my life probably.

- I won't have that experience of living aboard.

- I won't learn to multi-task school, work and house work.

All in all, I'm pretty content with what I want to do in my life. I plan to earn a Master's Degree in Psychology at the University of Jordan. Once I finish my bachelor's degree I really want to work at a school where I can help students with their problems because in all honesty people at school all have problems that need to be dealt with and not ignored.

I know so many people in my grade who tell me they have problems and have no one to speak to and they don't know how amazing the councilor at my school is and how much she could help them because people who need to talk to therapists or councilors are titled "crazy".

There is no wrong with  seeing a professional who can help you deal with your personal and mental problems.I want to help as many people as I can and hopefully in the future open up my own therapy office.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An Update :)

So I haven't blogged in 3 days which is so not like me because I put up a blog every day but I just ran out of topics.
But I'm blogging today to update on what's been going on since Thursday and it's now Saturday :)

I went to the Halloween Party my school was hosting and got a ton of compliments on how scary I looked which I loved even though my lips kept melting off and I had to keep touching them up. This was the first time since I came to the school that so many people showed up to a school danced and actually  bothered to dress up. It was awesome. The decorations for the Halloween dance venue where very creative although I wish that they had more lights while we where dancing because it was completely dark. The DJ did an amazing job, too. The food however was cafeteria food which wasn't THAT bad since they got the two favorite sellers only. I had a great night and some of my friends from different school got to come and I got to see them again and hang out with them and catch up which was great.

Friday I woke up super late because I stayed up really late the night before and when I got up my family and I wanted to go out and eat at a mall but we could NOT find a parking space at all and the malls were super crowded so we ended up going to Pizza Hut which I haven't eaten at Pizza Hut since December 24th, 2010 which is almost a year. I'm not a big fan of Pizza Hut I'm more into Papa Jones or Dominoes but I got a margarita with extra thin crust, garlic bread and wedgies which tasted really good. Then after that I came home, showered and then studied Math C1 Chapter 1 and solved every single odd question in the chapter because I'm going to be finishing everything we took during this one week break because I have externals coming up this January and I want to do really well.

I woke up and caught up on some of the shows I've missed during the week and had dinner and then later I'm going to go out with my mom and buy my contacts because I had the monthly ones and those ran out and I need new ones so I'm just going to get the daily ones because I heard they're better than the monthly ones, so yeah. Then when I come home I'll study Math C1 Chapter 2, watch my show then sleep. Not that interesting but that's what I'll be doing :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to: Create Your Own INEXPENSIVE Goth Girl Costume

This costume is going to be set in stone! It's the easiest thing to be and the best last minute costume!

Things you'll need:
- Black eyeliner
- Black eye shadow
- Dark Brown eye shadow
- Black lipstick (black eyeliner works just as well topped off with color-less lip gloss)
- Bronzer
- Foundation that is many shades lighter than your face

Costume ideas:
- Black dress
- Black leather jacket
- An old looking necklace (I'll be wearing my brown rosary that I always wear)
- Black heels

Have a happy and safe Halloween :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

How to: Create Your Own INEXPENSIVE Sexy Cat Costume

Since I am unable to go out and get the Nicki Minaj look like I was looking forward to I decided to be simplest thing for Halloween, a CAT! This is how I'm most probably going to wear the outfit:

1. Leather/Plain black leggings are perfect because leggings and heels look super pretty together AND cats have really thin legs and I feel like leggings really slim out your legs. And the reason I chose black is because black is just super pretty for parties and they are found Everywhere!

2. Black tank top A black tank top just goes with the black leggings because cats are usually the same color as their legs minus the patterns they may have. 

3. Black heels, the higher the better!
I personally love black pumps especially for parties, and plus with leggings the heels really make your legs look thinner and they are just the perfect party outfit.

4. Cat ear headband!
This very small yet important accessory will tie the whole look together, you don't have to go out and buy a cat eared headband BUT you can do what I'm probably going to and and make my own  by getting a regular black headband, drawing two cat black cat ears and taping them on to the headband. But this is a definite thing that you need if your gonna be a cat!

You can go all out with your hair but I'm going to be curling mine since I like that better than crimped hair and it'll give your hair a lot more volume and it'll hide the headband part of the cat ears. 

Winged eye liner is a MUST since cats are the creators of that look, that's if you wanna keep it simple. If your brave enough to do eye shadow I would highly suggest silver, since it's really in this Fall with a bold red lip as a statement also because when I put on red lipstick sloppily my mom tells me I look like a cat who ate her kids so perfect I guess! And I will draw a nose and whiskers using my gel or liquid liner!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Does music in the morning brighten your mood?

I never noticed how much happier and relaxing my morning would be if I just listen to some music. So last night it took me a while to fall asleep so while I was on my phone I downloaded a few songs and in the morning I played them while getting ready and in the car going to school. I noticed a huge difference in my attitude, I wasn't sleepy, or stressed, or angry. I spent my day laughing and joking around and my whole day just became more positive.

Which is kind of weird since the song I had on replay was Britney Spears's Criminal and it's not exactly a happy, uplifting song, but hey, it worked.