Monday, October 31, 2011

How to: Create Your Own INEXPENSIVE Sexy Cat Costume

Since I am unable to go out and get the Nicki Minaj look like I was looking forward to I decided to be simplest thing for Halloween, a CAT! This is how I'm most probably going to wear the outfit:

1. Leather/Plain black leggings are perfect because leggings and heels look super pretty together AND cats have really thin legs and I feel like leggings really slim out your legs. And the reason I chose black is because black is just super pretty for parties and they are found Everywhere!

2. Black tank top A black tank top just goes with the black leggings because cats are usually the same color as their legs minus the patterns they may have. 

3. Black heels, the higher the better!
I personally love black pumps especially for parties, and plus with leggings the heels really make your legs look thinner and they are just the perfect party outfit.

4. Cat ear headband!
This very small yet important accessory will tie the whole look together, you don't have to go out and buy a cat eared headband BUT you can do what I'm probably going to and and make my own  by getting a regular black headband, drawing two cat black cat ears and taping them on to the headband. But this is a definite thing that you need if your gonna be a cat!

You can go all out with your hair but I'm going to be curling mine since I like that better than crimped hair and it'll give your hair a lot more volume and it'll hide the headband part of the cat ears. 

Winged eye liner is a MUST since cats are the creators of that look, that's if you wanna keep it simple. If your brave enough to do eye shadow I would highly suggest silver, since it's really in this Fall with a bold red lip as a statement also because when I put on red lipstick sloppily my mom tells me I look like a cat who ate her kids so perfect I guess! And I will draw a nose and whiskers using my gel or liquid liner!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Does music in the morning brighten your mood?

I never noticed how much happier and relaxing my morning would be if I just listen to some music. So last night it took me a while to fall asleep so while I was on my phone I downloaded a few songs and in the morning I played them while getting ready and in the car going to school. I noticed a huge difference in my attitude, I wasn't sleepy, or stressed, or angry. I spent my day laughing and joking around and my whole day just became more positive.

Which is kind of weird since the song I had on replay was Britney Spears's Criminal and it's not exactly a happy, uplifting song, but hey, it worked.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Closet!

So a really close family friend of ours started her own business here in Jordan. She goes to University in the states and basically what she does is she goes shopping at buys a bunch of clothes and ships them to Jordan where her aunt sells them at unbelievable prices! The sizes are amazing since I have a tough time finding clothes that fit me just right. So earlier today I went and bought 3 shirts from her November Collection and fell in love with the pieces and decided to share!

So if you do live in Jordan and are interested check out her Facebook Fan Page :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Haul of Hauls: Shopping with mommy 10/20/2011

So I'm a really big girly girl so I absolutely love shopping and today my mom and I went out and picked up a few things that I was really excited to share :)

I went on this shopping trip to buy 1 bottle of perfume ONLY which was the Vanilla Body Spray by Natural Looks, instead I ended up with: 2 bottles of perfume, 3 eye shadows, and a lip liner... That's not that much but it's pretty bad that I can't control myself. I was also gonna get a pair of ankle booties but didn't cause I was wearing ballerinas without socks and I HATE trying on shoes without socks.

1. Natural Looks VANILLA Body Spray

2. Natural Looks PLUMERIA Body Spray

3. NYX Lip liner pencil in CABARET

4. NYX eye shadow in NUDE

5. NYX eye shadow in SPRING FLOWER

6. NYX eye shadow in FROSTED LILIAC

How to: Create Your Own INEXPENSIVE Nicki Minaj Costume

I decided I want to be Nicki Minaj this year for Halloween. My school is going to be hosting a Halloween party on Thursday November 3rd, 2011 (a little late but it's better late than never, like last year, it got cancelled). Anyway I thought it would be fun and helpful to share what I will be doing in order to re-create her look.

OUTFIT:  By the looks of it on Google Nicki Minaj matches her pants and shirt, so I have a pair of purple pants that i got from Next  forever ago that I'm going to wear with a purple shirt.

SHOES: Nicki Minaj is really big on heals but since I want to enjoy the party without getting sore feet, I decided to just go with my black boots, sine Nicki Minaj really likes boots, plus, it'll be really cold and boots will keep me warm.

HAIR: I'm going to try and find a pink wig, because if I get a blonde one people will mistaken me for Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj LOVES pink.

MAKE UP: The make up will probably be my favorite part of the whole look because I'm going to be using foundation and a setting powder that is way darker than my skin tone so I can re-create Nicki Minaj's dark flawless look. I'm going to apply a hot pink lip stick and put a crazy eye shadow color on my lid like lime green.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stories with Chrissy: Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles


Wow, I've had this book for 3 days and I'm already done with it! In all honesty it was a great book. Rules of Attraction is the sequel to Perfect Chemistry.  Brittany and Alex are in University and Carlos (Alex's younger brother, whom you don't read much about in the first book) is sent to live with Alex because he got himself in some trouble.

Alex is now the perfect brother, working part time and going to University, he has his whole life figured out. Carlos wants anything but to be in Colorado. He can't stand his brother, Brittany or anyone who tries to give him rules. But Alex, who wants the best for his brother makes sure that he gets the right kind of help once he starts his senior year with him.So he asks his professor's daughter to show Carlos around and she's, not exactly attractive.

Kiara is the professor's daughter, she wears her hair up in a pony tail that looks like a "dog's tail", wears super baggy clothes and is best friends with a gay guy. She gets straight As and NEVER gets in trouble. However, Kiara has a stuttering problem that she gets when she's nervous.

Carlos on the other hand is a bad cookie, he has tattoos all over himself, and wears shirts with ripped jeans. His comebacks are like reflexes and has no rules & no line that he doesn't cross.

Surely enough the two fall in love and Carlos is faced with the same situation Alex had to go through in Perfect Chemistry. 

Book Trailer:
Book Download:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stories with Chrissy: Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

I don't even know where I should even begin to rave about this book. I read Perfect Chemistry back in March and it is by far my favorite book of the year. I'm going to try my hardest not to spoil the book but give you a sum up of the whole story.

Perfect Chemistry is about a girl named Brittany who is a blond with blue eyes and has a "perfect" life. She wears the "perfect" clothes, has the "perfect" boyfriend, the "perfect" friends. In conclusion her whole life is perfect.

Alex is a Mexican who has it pretty bad. His dad died when he was 6 years old and he is responsible for his mom and two younger brothers. He belongs to gang called the Latino Bloods and fixes cars after school.

Alex and Brittany aren't allowed to mix with each other because of their social statuses but when forced to do be Chemistry partners for the rest of the years everything changes.

Alex makes a bet with his friends that he can get into Brittany's pants. But he realizes that through out the process of doing out he discovers that he loves Brittany and she means more to him than just a stupid bet. Secrets are uncovered about the two and their love is put to the test.

This book is absolutely PERFECT for anyone who is looking for a light read book filled with romance. Alex is pretty hot if you google him, too. However, there are parts of the book that get pretty boring (gang scenes and whatnot) but over all the book is amazing and I would LOVE to read it again.

URL for those interested in reading the whole book online:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ankle Booties & Lace Tights

This year I really want ankle booties. I've been eyeing them since last year. I think I'm going to get them when I go winter shopping.

Ankle boots would look super pretty (in my opinion) with lace tights or leggings with a dress or a skirt and a coat. I feel like that would be a really pretty outfit.

Plus lace tights just scream Vampire Diaries fashion. I feel like it's shopping Catherine would wear. Either her or Aria from Pretty Little Liars. So I'm really excited to go out and get my ankle booties and lace tights this year. I feel like that's going to be my signature look for Winter 2011 :)

'cause winter is my favorite time of the year

There are many obvious reasons as to why I absolutely LOVE the November and December months. As many of you probably know my Birthday is on December 3rd and my Birthday is always such an exciting time for me. Sometimes I feel like I get more excited over my Birthday than a young child would. This year I'm going to be turning 17 which means that I could legally be allowed to take driving classes where I live. Which isn't as exciting as actual being able to drive but that's good enough for me! Since my Birthday is on a Saturday, Thursday I'll probably invite a bunch of my really good friends to Chilies and spend the day with them. Then on Saturday on my actual Birthday I'll spend it with my mom and brothers, we'll go out to eat at a restaurant of my choice, have cake then do the Christmas tree. Which is perfect. :)

On my Birthday we put up the Christmas tree at night while we play Christmas carols and just have a good time. Christmas is another reason I LOVE the winter. To me, Christmas is just so magical and really brings out the best in people. Everything about Christmas excites me: the colors, the desserts, the decorations, the movies and the feeling of family and togetherness. My favorite Christmas past time is watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" which I actually got as a birthday present from my best friend Suzy on my 6th Birthday. Sorry, but that movie is only the best during Christmas, I feel like it doesn't feel the same if I watch it on a regular day. Also, I like Christmas Eve more than Christmas for some reason. I feel like the excitement is still thick in the air on Christmas Eve but on Christmas it's just...boring. On Christmas and Christmas Eve my family and I have a family dinner and then spend it visiting relatives.

So Winter is by far my favorite time of year and I love everything about it. From the weather, to the fashion, to the spirit to even the food! Right now where I live it's starting to get really chilly to the point where I have to wear a sweat shirt with thick pants and socks around the house so I was inspired to do this blog. :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sleeping Patterns...

So I'm really starting to hate my sleeping patterns. Last year I would be wide awake by 6 am and have a good time putting on my make up and getting dressed and having breakfast with music playing in the background and I would go to school with this enthusiasm to learn. I would come home, have lunch and start studying  immediately, have some free time and be in bed by 9 pm!

This year however, I wake up at 7 am and I have to be woken up, my alarm clock just doesn't cut it anymore. I shower and get ready and go to school then I come home so SUPER exhausted like more than I'm supposed to and all I want to do is just sleep. So I take a 15 minute nap and then study and try to ignore my massive headache, then when I finish I get ready for bed and find that I don't fall asleep until 11 pm and for some reason Wednesadys/ Tuesdays I fall asleep after midnight.

I really need to fix my sleep schedule! I just don't know where to begin :(

Product Review: Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Eye Liner

- Long lasting
- Easy to use
- Perfect for those who have a tough time creating the winged eye look 
- Smooth
- Easy to draw with
- The brush it comes with is amazing

- Primer/Concealer on the lid must be applied before using this product (which isn't a big deal) 
- The packaging looks like a moisturizer I saw my grandpa using when I was six (lol, i wish it came in a prettier packaging)

My thoughts:
I highly recommend this products for all the girls out there who have been trying so hard to re-create the winged eye liner look and couldn't, believe me I was there. I tried both pencil and liquid liner and they didn't give me the look I was looking for. When using the liquid liner I got a huge mess on my eyes and it was just a disaster and the pencil liner barely lasted an our (it could be because I have oily skin). But the gel liner gave me the perfect wing I was looking for, it lasted a long time considering I could get rich off of my own face, it came with a GOOD brush, it was inexpensive, and a little bit goes a long way! never ending worry

So recently the stress of applying to Universities has really been getting to me. I go to bed worrying that I won't get accepted into the University I want or that I will end up with no future. I REALLY want to go study Law in England, I don't want to stay in Jordan. I want the experience of being an 18 year-old- girl living  by herself and going to University and being her own person. I know that I will miss my family so much specifically my mom and brothers but I want to experience what it feels like to count the days until I can go back to my hometown.

I'm deeply considering working while in University part time at a restaurant or diner because something about that job appeals me and it will be a great way to earn more experience about the journey we call life. By the time my brother graduates I will be in my 3rd year of University and we will get an apartment so we can go to university together and live together. I know I'm planning way ahead but I'm just so excited!

When I finish my degree I will open my own office where clients and lawyers will fill out applications that will help me find them the best lawyer/client for their situation. Like for example, a woman needs to sue a company but has a budget of $1,000 JDs and a lawyer you specializes in that area and accepts the budget, they will meet and work together. Because it's so hard to find good lawyers that meet the clients criteria here.

So the purpose of this blog is to announce to those who care that I recently e-mailed so many Universities asking for requirements and whatnot in order to know what I need to get accepted.

I emailed, I need one more but here's the list:

1. University of Exeter

2. University of Buckingham

3. Queen Mary University of London

4. University of Aberystwyth

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Rosary Trend?

Now here is something I thought would never become a fashion trend, but since I decided to follow with it I decided why not blog? So in my school I noticed that a lot of girls have been wearing their rosaries as necklaces. Not just Christian girls but also Muslim girls have been wearing their rosaries as well. So this is the new thing at the moment. I however really love the wooden rosary look, I feel like it goes with everything you wear and it's really hard to break, unlike the bead ones (trust me I would know). While a rosary is known to help protect who ever wears it the fact that it is a trend right now is fantastic because it will encourage more people to come out of their shell and wear their rosaries. It also gives people no excuse to NOT pray the rosary since they have it on them and they can pray it while they're waiting for someone or something. I don't know a bout you but I'm all about the rosary trend :)

The Trend for Less

Although this outfit is a little Spring I absolutely LOVE this outfit that I created. The way I originally wore the outfit compared to the picture was I didn't have the tights or a belt and instead of the heels I wore gold gladiators from NEXT and a super light white cardigan from MANGO with the navy floral dress from TOPSHOP/TOPMAN and a dark red messenger bag that I got from FOREVER 21 that looks nothing like the picture but is the same style. This is a really great outfit and I think it's perfect for church, day time occasions or even a tea party themed birthday :)

Why do we love what's bad for us?

So I thought I would share my addiction since I was about 5 years old. I am addicted to Ramen noodles. Like, I will eat 3 packs a day and if I don't get it when I want it I'm really sad. BUT I haven't eaten any for 3 months but I kind of started eating them again. So I can stop whenever I want but today during school I had the weirdest craving for them so I begged me mom to let me get some and she did because I REALLY wanted some. But after I eat them I kind of feel like crap. I guess it's because they aren't healthy. If they where healthy I would be the healthiest person in the world. I really wish that junk/unhealthy food was good for you. Why does food have to be put in categories, too? I mean, we humans are put in categories (jocks, nerds, etc) why should we put what we consume in categories too?I'm just sayin'. I just wanted to blog and the first thing that came to mind was RAMENS! They are in the process of being cooked right now so I'm really excited, and hungry! Happy Lunch everyone :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Goals for October 23rd -> October 27th

- Study for at least 2 hours each day
- Study each lesson taken in Math on the day it was taken by solving questions and reviewing notes and the book.
- Reading the notes and chapters for English Literature and not relying on Spark Notes (guilty as charged)
- Get my ICT book and study what we took so far and solve all the theory past paper questions given.
- Re-solve the ICT practical past papers given since the beginning of the year!

- Not say ANY bad words
- Do at least 3 good deeds (help someone with class work, etc.)
- Make someone smile
- Read before bed!

Sunday Church :)

Ever since school started, after school, my mom and brothers and I go to church. It is honestly the best thing we have done since moving to Jordan. It allowed me to connect with God and Jesus Christ and to be a more peaceful and better person. Even though sometimes I don't understand what the priest is saying; praying and asking God for forgiveness and mercy and for all the wishes that I have in mind makes me feel so much better. When I leave church I feel like I am a better person and it makes me feel good. It's also nice to meet new people at church which we always do. So I'm really excited about going to church tomorrow after school, I think it's going to be what I need to relieve myself from all the stress I've been under (academically and socially).
Even if your not Christian, praying is the most refreshing and beautiful feeling you can ever have. You feel like you are talking to someone who actually has the ability to help you and you can understand things that you never really understood such as death or why you where put in a certain situation. I am honestly so thankful that I got back into the habit of praying and having God in my life because now I know things could never go wrong and if they did they went wrong for the better.

My Favorite Lawyers from movies

Elle from Legally Blonde: She is probably the reason why I wanted to be a lawyer in the first place. She is defiantly a girly girl which I totally am. I love hair, make up and fashion but the dogs...not so much. She has such a good heart even though people mistaken her for stupid and she really does enjoy helping people. Which is what a lawyer is all about.

Liv from Bride Waras: Liv from Bride Wars is probably my twin sister, aside from the looks, she is just like me in terms where she's not afraid to get what she wants, she is demanding and confident. She has a side to her that people respect because she's so professional and confident.
Listen to me: I watched this movie once in 2006 and until this day I want to watch it again. Although I don't remember much about it I remember that I fell in love with the brunette character and her speech at the court room blew me away and I remember how intense it was being in the court room scene and that is what attracted me to the whole "I want to be a lawyer" thing :)

Antalya 2011; best summer

Day 1: So on July 22nd, 2011 I went to the airport with my mom and brothers so we can go to Antalya, Turkey for a week filled with fun and relaxation. We arrived at the airport at around 6 pm and as soon as we arrived we saw a family of 50 people wearing matching shirts that said "Farfasheh Team" on them. We stayed at the airport for a total of two hours and got to know the family and they were from Riyadh as well and they knew all of our friends and neighbors but we never actually met. When we arrived on the plane they made the flight so enjoyable, they where dancing and singing and making jokes, I didn't even need any of the stuff I packed in my carry-on for entertainment. When we left the airplane we could feel how humid it was. It was horrible! I was wearing a jacket cause the airplane got a little cold and I felt so sticky. So we found the guy who was escorting us to our resort "Rixos Sungate Resort Antalya" and we had a long bus trip to get there (2 hours!) but he was really nice and during that time we organized what we wanted to do with him outside of the hotel on what days and so on. When we arrived we had to go to the night lobby and it was empty and they had orange furniture and the lobby smelled like oranges and there was no one at the bar. So we got checked in and when we got to our hotel room it was really cold, we where so happy to finally go on vacation since we haven't in the past 2 and a half years we started unpacking then went to bed. The one thing I would change about the room was that wall with the picture, when someone would use the bathroom at night everyone would wake up from the light; just sayin'

Day 2: The next morning we went and had breakfast then when we went to the lobby to find our tour guide to take us to the water falls my brothers found these really cool cars:
We where forced to go to Alice this leather factor and store and we kind of didn't want to because we weren't planning to buy anything but there were cute models. Then we finally want to the water falls and it was honestly breath taking, we didn't have a camera with us so we took phone pictures, but it was honestly the most amazing view I've seen since Germany! When your up you feel super humid then when you get in the caves you freeze your butt off! 

After exploring the cave we had lunch and returned to the resort it was like 7 pm and we where the only ones at the pool cause the towel booth closes at 7 but the pool supervisor gave us towels anyway. We went to the buffet late so we had to get food super quickly and eat super quickly and by that time we where super tired because the night before we had 4 hours of sleep and an exhausting day before that packing and getting ready so we called it a night. 
Day 3: I woke up early and went to go have breakfast with my mom and brothers then we decided to go swimming. At the resort they give you cards based on how many people you are and that card is the only way you can get a towel and if you lose your card you don't get a towel and you have to pay 5 euros. So I go to the pool and I go to get a towel and OMG the towel boy was like the hottest thing to walk the face of the planet. So that day at the pool was spent checking him out and constantly changing towels. So one of the billions of times I changed my towels that day we started talking and it took me one hour to change my towel. I also got the worst sunburn that day cause I thought that if I stay in the sun with nothing on I'll get the perfect tan and boy was I wrong. The rest of the day was spent at the beach and pool, then we had dinner and my brothers went back to the room while my mom and I went and watched the DJ concert with fireworks. 

Day 4 was spent with more flirting and talking with the towel boy and swimming! The food was all inclusive so we just sat there by the pool eating and drinking and listening to music and having fun. They also have a Chinese and Korean food booth where you can go get food from there fore free but it's a limited variety, like you can either get chicken noodles, beef noodles, beef Korean noodles or chicken Korean noodles. Because you get sick of the buffet after a while and it feels you up a lot so you don't have room to eat for dinner but you starve later on in the night when the buffet is closed. I also had my first alcoholic drink that day but it was just a sip I couldn't finish it! 

Day 5 Was one of the worst days, we went on a cruise to check out the islands near the resort we where staying at and the whole staff except for one where drunk and were behaving very rudely. The view was amazing though, but the food was HORRIBLE and I spent the whole trip mortified that one of the staff where gonna do something to us. The captain got so drunk at one point he got the steering wheel out and started dancing with it. The only staff member who was sober was actually really nice and sweet and he really liked us and he was very friendly and wanted to know more about Jordan but thus; I couldn't wait to get out of that cruise and when I did I went to the pool and tried to forget all about it. We had dinner and then went to bed early that night. 

Day 6 Was spent yet again at the pool and we met a really nice family at the resort and spent the rest of the day with them eating, hanging out and just having fun. Although their children where younger than me they where still good company. The girl was 11 and was taller than I was and the boy was 9 who got a long great with my brothers. They where from Iran but lived in Holland, the lady worked with the government and her husband owned a restaurant. 
Day 7 Was spent again with our new friends and we went to the spa which I didn't know we had a spa at our resort that was inclusive as well or else I would've gotten a massage but I didn't, then we spent it by the pool some more and at night we went to the bar and hang out with the lady and her daughter and me and my mom while the boys played PS3 -.- HAHAHA
Day 8 Our last day at the resort, we went to a Safari trip in a range rover and went to the highest mountain in Antalya and had dinner there and it was breath taking and so much fun! The food was surprisingly really good if you can look past the cold fries and bread and just enjoy the fish! When we finished the trip we went back to resort packed our bags and swam for a bit then showered at the spa and headed off the airport after saying bye to the staff :( (towel boy hahaha). At the airport we saw Farfasheh team without their matching shirts and the plane ride was quiet and sad. We arrived home at 3 am and went straight to bed.