Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Saturday, it's homework day, it's laundry day, it's I DONT WANNA DO ANYTHING daya

Saturdays a bliss because I get to sleep in a burden because it's the last day of the weekend! So usually I wake up whenever I hear someone screaming or banging things then I stumble off to the kitchen to get some breakfast in my system. Once that has been taken care of I just sit on the laptop doing nothing productive, except today I had to go get my uniform pants fixed, any-who, I also went to see my grandparents, after that we got home and had lunch and had to do homework although that was a big FAIL since I left two questions in my math homework unsolved because I didn't get it, the ICT worksheet requires the book which hasn't been given to me yet because it hasn't arrived and to read "The Ideal Husband" for English Literature which I didn't and I had to read spark notes and I didn't even finish that! I also realized that a lot of my clothes need to be washed so my closet is now empty but oh well. I just wish I could have been lazy without the worry of having things that I must do. Oh well, I'm really looking forward to a new week and a fresh new start. I have Math first two classes tomorrow which is my favorite subject. So I'm gonna go watch some youtube videos until I fall asleep. Good night bloggers :)  Hope you're having a happy weekend <3

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