Monday, October 24, 2011 never ending worry

So recently the stress of applying to Universities has really been getting to me. I go to bed worrying that I won't get accepted into the University I want or that I will end up with no future. I REALLY want to go study Law in England, I don't want to stay in Jordan. I want the experience of being an 18 year-old- girl living  by herself and going to University and being her own person. I know that I will miss my family so much specifically my mom and brothers but I want to experience what it feels like to count the days until I can go back to my hometown.

I'm deeply considering working while in University part time at a restaurant or diner because something about that job appeals me and it will be a great way to earn more experience about the journey we call life. By the time my brother graduates I will be in my 3rd year of University and we will get an apartment so we can go to university together and live together. I know I'm planning way ahead but I'm just so excited!

When I finish my degree I will open my own office where clients and lawyers will fill out applications that will help me find them the best lawyer/client for their situation. Like for example, a woman needs to sue a company but has a budget of $1,000 JDs and a lawyer you specializes in that area and accepts the budget, they will meet and work together. Because it's so hard to find good lawyers that meet the clients criteria here.

So the purpose of this blog is to announce to those who care that I recently e-mailed so many Universities asking for requirements and whatnot in order to know what I need to get accepted.

I emailed, I need one more but here's the list:

1. University of Exeter

2. University of Buckingham

3. Queen Mary University of London

4. University of Aberystwyth

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