Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why do we love what's bad for us?

So I thought I would share my addiction since I was about 5 years old. I am addicted to Ramen noodles. Like, I will eat 3 packs a day and if I don't get it when I want it I'm really sad. BUT I haven't eaten any for 3 months but I kind of started eating them again. So I can stop whenever I want but today during school I had the weirdest craving for them so I begged me mom to let me get some and she did because I REALLY wanted some. But after I eat them I kind of feel like crap. I guess it's because they aren't healthy. If they where healthy I would be the healthiest person in the world. I really wish that junk/unhealthy food was good for you. Why does food have to be put in categories, too? I mean, we humans are put in categories (jocks, nerds, etc) why should we put what we consume in categories too?I'm just sayin'. I just wanted to blog and the first thing that came to mind was RAMENS! They are in the process of being cooked right now so I'm really excited, and hungry! Happy Lunch everyone :)

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