Saturday, October 22, 2011

Antalya 2011; best summer

Day 1: So on July 22nd, 2011 I went to the airport with my mom and brothers so we can go to Antalya, Turkey for a week filled with fun and relaxation. We arrived at the airport at around 6 pm and as soon as we arrived we saw a family of 50 people wearing matching shirts that said "Farfasheh Team" on them. We stayed at the airport for a total of two hours and got to know the family and they were from Riyadh as well and they knew all of our friends and neighbors but we never actually met. When we arrived on the plane they made the flight so enjoyable, they where dancing and singing and making jokes, I didn't even need any of the stuff I packed in my carry-on for entertainment. When we left the airplane we could feel how humid it was. It was horrible! I was wearing a jacket cause the airplane got a little cold and I felt so sticky. So we found the guy who was escorting us to our resort "Rixos Sungate Resort Antalya" and we had a long bus trip to get there (2 hours!) but he was really nice and during that time we organized what we wanted to do with him outside of the hotel on what days and so on. When we arrived we had to go to the night lobby and it was empty and they had orange furniture and the lobby smelled like oranges and there was no one at the bar. So we got checked in and when we got to our hotel room it was really cold, we where so happy to finally go on vacation since we haven't in the past 2 and a half years we started unpacking then went to bed. The one thing I would change about the room was that wall with the picture, when someone would use the bathroom at night everyone would wake up from the light; just sayin'

Day 2: The next morning we went and had breakfast then when we went to the lobby to find our tour guide to take us to the water falls my brothers found these really cool cars:
We where forced to go to Alice this leather factor and store and we kind of didn't want to because we weren't planning to buy anything but there were cute models. Then we finally want to the water falls and it was honestly breath taking, we didn't have a camera with us so we took phone pictures, but it was honestly the most amazing view I've seen since Germany! When your up you feel super humid then when you get in the caves you freeze your butt off! 

After exploring the cave we had lunch and returned to the resort it was like 7 pm and we where the only ones at the pool cause the towel booth closes at 7 but the pool supervisor gave us towels anyway. We went to the buffet late so we had to get food super quickly and eat super quickly and by that time we where super tired because the night before we had 4 hours of sleep and an exhausting day before that packing and getting ready so we called it a night. 
Day 3: I woke up early and went to go have breakfast with my mom and brothers then we decided to go swimming. At the resort they give you cards based on how many people you are and that card is the only way you can get a towel and if you lose your card you don't get a towel and you have to pay 5 euros. So I go to the pool and I go to get a towel and OMG the towel boy was like the hottest thing to walk the face of the planet. So that day at the pool was spent checking him out and constantly changing towels. So one of the billions of times I changed my towels that day we started talking and it took me one hour to change my towel. I also got the worst sunburn that day cause I thought that if I stay in the sun with nothing on I'll get the perfect tan and boy was I wrong. The rest of the day was spent at the beach and pool, then we had dinner and my brothers went back to the room while my mom and I went and watched the DJ concert with fireworks. 

Day 4 was spent with more flirting and talking with the towel boy and swimming! The food was all inclusive so we just sat there by the pool eating and drinking and listening to music and having fun. They also have a Chinese and Korean food booth where you can go get food from there fore free but it's a limited variety, like you can either get chicken noodles, beef noodles, beef Korean noodles or chicken Korean noodles. Because you get sick of the buffet after a while and it feels you up a lot so you don't have room to eat for dinner but you starve later on in the night when the buffet is closed. I also had my first alcoholic drink that day but it was just a sip I couldn't finish it! 

Day 5 Was one of the worst days, we went on a cruise to check out the islands near the resort we where staying at and the whole staff except for one where drunk and were behaving very rudely. The view was amazing though, but the food was HORRIBLE and I spent the whole trip mortified that one of the staff where gonna do something to us. The captain got so drunk at one point he got the steering wheel out and started dancing with it. The only staff member who was sober was actually really nice and sweet and he really liked us and he was very friendly and wanted to know more about Jordan but thus; I couldn't wait to get out of that cruise and when I did I went to the pool and tried to forget all about it. We had dinner and then went to bed early that night. 

Day 6 Was spent yet again at the pool and we met a really nice family at the resort and spent the rest of the day with them eating, hanging out and just having fun. Although their children where younger than me they where still good company. The girl was 11 and was taller than I was and the boy was 9 who got a long great with my brothers. They where from Iran but lived in Holland, the lady worked with the government and her husband owned a restaurant. 
Day 7 Was spent again with our new friends and we went to the spa which I didn't know we had a spa at our resort that was inclusive as well or else I would've gotten a massage but I didn't, then we spent it by the pool some more and at night we went to the bar and hang out with the lady and her daughter and me and my mom while the boys played PS3 -.- HAHAHA
Day 8 Our last day at the resort, we went to a Safari trip in a range rover and went to the highest mountain in Antalya and had dinner there and it was breath taking and so much fun! The food was surprisingly really good if you can look past the cold fries and bread and just enjoy the fish! When we finished the trip we went back to resort packed our bags and swam for a bit then showered at the spa and headed off the airport after saying bye to the staff :( (towel boy hahaha). At the airport we saw Farfasheh team without their matching shirts and the plane ride was quiet and sad. We arrived home at 3 am and went straight to bed. 

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