Tuesday, October 25, 2011

'cause winter is my favorite time of the year

There are many obvious reasons as to why I absolutely LOVE the November and December months. As many of you probably know my Birthday is on December 3rd and my Birthday is always such an exciting time for me. Sometimes I feel like I get more excited over my Birthday than a young child would. This year I'm going to be turning 17 which means that I could legally be allowed to take driving classes where I live. Which isn't as exciting as actual being able to drive but that's good enough for me! Since my Birthday is on a Saturday, Thursday I'll probably invite a bunch of my really good friends to Chilies and spend the day with them. Then on Saturday on my actual Birthday I'll spend it with my mom and brothers, we'll go out to eat at a restaurant of my choice, have cake then do the Christmas tree. Which is perfect. :)

On my Birthday we put up the Christmas tree at night while we play Christmas carols and just have a good time. Christmas is another reason I LOVE the winter. To me, Christmas is just so magical and really brings out the best in people. Everything about Christmas excites me: the colors, the desserts, the decorations, the movies and the feeling of family and togetherness. My favorite Christmas past time is watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" which I actually got as a birthday present from my best friend Suzy on my 6th Birthday. Sorry, but that movie is only the best during Christmas, I feel like it doesn't feel the same if I watch it on a regular day. Also, I like Christmas Eve more than Christmas for some reason. I feel like the excitement is still thick in the air on Christmas Eve but on Christmas it's just...boring. On Christmas and Christmas Eve my family and I have a family dinner and then spend it visiting relatives.

So Winter is by far my favorite time of year and I love everything about it. From the weather, to the fashion, to the spirit to even the food! Right now where I live it's starting to get really chilly to the point where I have to wear a sweat shirt with thick pants and socks around the house so I was inspired to do this blog. :)

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