Monday, October 24, 2011

Sleeping Patterns...

So I'm really starting to hate my sleeping patterns. Last year I would be wide awake by 6 am and have a good time putting on my make up and getting dressed and having breakfast with music playing in the background and I would go to school with this enthusiasm to learn. I would come home, have lunch and start studying  immediately, have some free time and be in bed by 9 pm!

This year however, I wake up at 7 am and I have to be woken up, my alarm clock just doesn't cut it anymore. I shower and get ready and go to school then I come home so SUPER exhausted like more than I'm supposed to and all I want to do is just sleep. So I take a 15 minute nap and then study and try to ignore my massive headache, then when I finish I get ready for bed and find that I don't fall asleep until 11 pm and for some reason Wednesadys/ Tuesdays I fall asleep after midnight.

I really need to fix my sleep schedule! I just don't know where to begin :(

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