Saturday, October 22, 2011

Law School...

So if you meet anyone in my family they will tell you that I was born to be a lawyer. I have a confident personality and I'm not afraid to get what I want when I want it. I also LOVE helping people out and convincing people to do things and I love debating! Not only that, I absolutely love the lawyer outfit and the court room and the judge and all that stuff.
I really want to study International Law in England because I can't read or write Arabic and to study Law in Jordan that's compulsory. So International Law is great for me. When I'm done with my masters degree I'm gonna open up a Law office where basically a bunch of lawyers come into the office and fill out a paper with their specialty (Business Law, Economic Law, Justice Law, etc) and then people who need lawyers can come in and we can hook them up based on the type of case they want to hold, their budget, etc.I think it would be really cool to improve the Law part of Jordan since the lawyers here are known for being thieves and cheaters. I want to change that about them. So I've been looking in to applying to the University of Buckingham or the University of Exeter. That's why I need to get really good grades in my A-levels because if I don't get into a Law School in England I will be the most emo person in the world, just sayin'...

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